Luke turned 3 in March and I have been hoping that he would just kind of potty train luck. So last Saturday, Mia and Luke had a sleep over at Nana Bighouse's--(Beau's parents house) and we forgot to bring Mia some undies so Nana went to Walmart and bought her some, and when she came back and presented them to Meemers, Lukey-boy got very upset that he didn't get any and so Nana told Luke that if he went pee-pee in the potty that he could get some big-boy undies too. And wouldn't ya know he went, not once but twice! So I kept it going after hearing that spectacular news and he went for me too! A few times in the potty, a few times on the carpet, wood floor, and yes, even my kitchen counter to which Brooke (my niece) promptly came running to me yelling "Luke peeped!" After disinfecting my household and doing many loads of laundry we will continue to press forward--without anger or frustration of the next days, weeks and hopefully not months to come. For I desperately want this child in pre-school this coming school year for both of our sakes. So, if any of you who have gone through such trials as these, please comment of what worked, what didn't and what you would do different.
Side note: We do have a potty chart and he gets to put stickers on it everytime he successfully goes, and we have treaters for him.
I too was hoping my child would potty train himself, but no luck. We used the blessed potty watch the first week and he did great. I think the trick is to be consistent. We went back to diapers here and there and it just confused the poor boy. So just sticking with it has helped him really understand he has to go in the pot or else there is a a month or so down and he is a champ!! I love it, I wish I wouldn't have waited so long!!
I found that if you put a diaper OVER the undies, then if there is an accident the pee isn't all over your carpet. The undies still feel disgusting when he pee's them, but your carpet is pee free. Good LUCK
Thanks for the advice..being consistant and patient as a parent is probably the way to go.
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